I like teaching math in different contexts and trying to help students to flourish and enjoy it. I have taught calculus classes at Yale, namely Single Variable Calculus I (Math 112), as well as Multivariable Calculus (Math 120) two times. In addition, I have also taught Introduction to College Mathematics (a University of New Haven class coded Math 1107) at the MacDougal-Walker CI via the Yale Prison Education Initiative. Finally, I have taught a summer class introducing high school students to hyperbolic geometry in an elementary fashion, via EduExplora.
For the past four years I have organized the Yale mathematics directed reading program (DRP), which pairs undergraduate students with a graduate mentor to do a reading of a certain math topic, not for credit. Usually, slightly non-standard topics are chosen and the undergraduate participants enjoy learning and meeting with their mentors. I have mentored seven students via the DRP, mostly reading Introduction to Stochastic Processes by Greg Lawler as well as adjacent topics depending on the interests of the students.